Lesson 2


1. Read about a young inventor. How does the work he does help him to feel?

It helps him not to feel stressed about the corona virus and other problems.

2. Read the text again. Circle True or False and correct the false sentences.

1. Many people invented new things during the corona virus pandemic. True / False, Few people had much time to do this.
2. Suntharalingam Piranawan spent every day for eight months developing his invention. True / False, He spent almost every day.
3. Everyone uses tuk-tuks to travel in Sri Lanka. True / False, Some people use them.
4. Suntharalingam Piranawan’s family do not have much money. True / False
5. The tuk-tuk Suntharalingam invented is made from old pieces of metal. True / False
6. Suntharalingam wants to invent many more things. True / False
7. His grandfather can help him with money to build a solar-powered car. True / False, None of his family can help him with this.
8. Suntharalingam knows that the government will give him a lot of money to help his project. True / False, He hopes they will help him.


3. Choose the correct word.

Fifty years ago, (1) few/little people in the UK drank bottled water. (2) Any/Some restaurants sold bottled water, but it was expensive. However, (3) many/much public places had water fountains where people could get a free drink if they were thirsty. Later, it became fashionable for everyone to drink bottled water. (4) Every/Many shop and café sold bottled water for only a (5) few/little money. (6) Each/Some plastic water bottles could be recycled, but only a (7) few/little of them were. As a result, (8) much/many plastic water bottles ended up as pollution in the sea. Sadly, (9) none/little of them will ever break down: they will stay in the sea forever. Fortunately, (10) any/some new businesses are finding ways to replace some of our plastic water bottles. For example, you can now buy a water ‘bubble’ made of seaweed. Although they are small, (11) each/much bubble holds a (12) few/little water and you can eat all of the seaweed!