Lesson 3


1. Read the article. How has migration to the city affected the relationship between people and their parents.

People who migrate don’t see their families as often as they would like to since they live faraway.

2. Read the article again and answer the questions.

1. Why do many Africans use the word mzee before older people’s names? To show their respect for older people.
2. Why do you think the word for older people translates as wisdom in Hawaii? Because they believe older people have more experience and are wise.
3. Why are some people unable to look after their older parents? Because they need to move from their family homes to find work.
4. Find words in the passage that mean (a) moved migrated (b) As a result, consequently.
5. How has social media helped younger people take care of their elderly parents recently? young people can now chat with their elderly parents even if they live far away.