Lesson 4


1. Match the phrases with a similar meaning.

1. From my point of view d. In my opinion
2. The first thing to consider f. First of all
3. A further reason b. In addition
4. We cannot ignore e. Don’t forget that
5. Owing to c. Because of
6. To conclude a. In conclusion


2. Read and order the opinion essay.

a. To conclude, I believe people should be able to continue working if they are able to and want to, but I also realise that this is not possible in some jobs and for some people. 5
b. However, we cannot ignore the fact that it is not possible for all people to continue working, for example, builders. Owing to the physical work they do every day, they would not be able to continue working into their 70s or older. 4
c. The irst thing to consider is the job that people do. Many people enjoy their work, so why should they stop when they get to 65? For example, in Scotland, 79-year-old Tom Swan has worked in a shop for 60 years. He enjoys meeting the people who come in. 2
d. A further reason is that work can keep you healthy. Brian Denney from England helps olderpeople with their money, although he is 82! He thinks that he would be less healthy mentallyand physically if he stayed at home all day. 3
e. From my point of view, some people aged over 65 should continue to work if they want to – but not all of them. I’ll explain why I think this. 1

3. Read the essay again and answer the questions.

1. Why does the writer think that Tom Swan continues working? He enjoys his work and he enjoys meeting the people who come in the shop.
2. What is the second reason the writer gives for why some older people continue working? It keeps people healthy.
3. What reason does the writer give for disagreeing with the statement? Some jobs are too physical for older people to continue working into their 70s.