
1. Complete the sentences with these words.


1. In the past, a night watchman was like a police officer, who kept people safe at night.
2. Hamdi got an email that conirmed that the job interview had been successful. He starts next month.
3. Farmers deserted the land after three years of no rain.
4. Gameela crouched near the box to see the new-born kittens.
5. My heart sank when I was not accepted for the job.
6 My mother was a part-time worker at the school, but now she works permanently, five days a week.
7. I fear for polar bears if all the ice melts in the Arctic.
8. A person who commits a crime is called a criminal.

2. Put the events from Chapter 9 in the order we hear about them.

a. Pip and Herbert want to help Provis escape the country and from Compeyson. 6
b. Herbert shows Pip a note that he had written. 7
c. Provis tells Pip and Herbert about a dishonest person called Compeyson. 4
d. Provis tells Pip that he always planned to return from Australia to see him. 1
e. Pip tells Herbert about Provis and he agrees not to tell anyone he is there. 3
f. Provis and Compeyson escape from a prison ship and swim to the marshes. 5
g. Pip and the night watchman try to find the man who was hiding in Pip’s house. 2

3. Answer the questions in your notebook.

1. What did Provis learn by looking at Pip’s watch, ring, clothes and books? He learned/learnt that he was now a gentleman.
2. Why did Pip feel ashamed by what Provis had told him? Because a convict had made him leave Joe and live a new life in London.
3. Why was Pip sure that Provis would be caught if he went outside? Because he still looked like a convict even with new clothes.
4. Why did Pip think he could not accept any more money from Provis? Because he was a criminal.
5. What did Pip plan to do with Provis? He planned to help him escape.
6. Why did Provis first become a criminal? Because he did not know his parents so he stole and begged to survive.
7. Why was Provis given a longer prison sentence than Compeyson? Because Compeyson looked and behaved like a gentleman and said at the court that Provis had committed the crimes.
8. How did Miss Havisham know Compeyson? Her half-brother Arthur used to help Compeyson. Compeyson is the man who took her fortune and deserted her
9. Why did Pip want to go with Provis? He wants to help Provis escape before Compeyson kills him.
10. What did Pip used to call Provis? Pip used to call Provis, Magwitch, a name Magwitch made up for himself.

4. Match the items in column A with those in column B.

1. Magwitch now wants to f. be called Provis.
2. Pip now realised that Estella a. was not going to be his wife.
3. Only Jaggers knew that e. Provis was Pip’s benefactor.
4. Provis’s life started to improve d. until he met Compeyson.
5. Compeyson was put in leg-irons but c. Provis got a life sentence.
6. Pip began to feel b. sorry for Provis.

5. Circle True or False and correct the false sentences in your notebook.

1. Provis had to become a criminal because he had a very difficult childhood. True / False
2. Compeyson and his friend Arthur tricked rich old men out of their money. True / False, They tricked rich young women out of their money.
3. Provis helped Compeyson because Arthur was not good at his job. True / False, He helped because Arthur was ill.
4. At court, Compeyson admitted he and Provis had committed the crimes. True / False, Compeyson said that Provis had committed the crimes.
5. Compeyson probably wants to kill Provis because he knows what he has done. True / False
6. Compeyson tricked Miss Havisham out of her money and deserted her. True / False

6. Complete the sentences from the story with the correct form of these verbs.


1. Pip’s heart sank when he heard that Magwitch was his benefactor.
2. If Magwitch was caught in England, he would be killed or sent to prison.
3. At night, Pip nearly fell over a man who was crouching in a corner.
4. Mr Jaggers confirmed to Pip that Provis was his benefactor.
5. Provis boasted that he had made Pip a gentleman.
6. Pip feared for Provis because Compeyson wanted to kill him.

7. Imagine that you are Pip. Write a letter to Joe telling him what you have learned about your benefactor. Write about 200 words.

Dear Joe,

I have had some strange and terrible news. I have just found out that Miss Havisham is not my benefactor. It is Magwitch, who was the convict we saw on the marshes when I was young. Because I helped him with food and a ile from your blacksmith so he could escape, he wanted to reward me. He was sent to Australia for life, but worked hard there and is now rich. He has now returned to England.
I am ashamed because I thought Miss Havisham was my benefactor. I thought I was too good for you and the people of the village. I was too proud. But now I know that I have been helped by a criminal. I feel sorry for Magwitch (who now calls himself Provis) because he has had a dificult life and he really wants to help me. I won’t accept any more money from him, but I do want to help him escape. If he stays in England, he might be killed or sent back to prison. I hope you forgive me Joe,

Yours, Pip